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Meet the content


Hello, I'm the face behind the blog, Mya! It's nice to meet you! I am a young Air Force wife and I absolutely love being creating and making things while at home. From trying out or making new recipes, to DIYs, finding out cool hacks on the internet. That often takes me to endless scrolling on social media, and typing in a ton of things into the search bar. One thing that I've always struggled with, is just finding somewhere simple with posts for the average young adult. Everything seems to be tailored specifically for parents, college students, military, and etc. but never just a place where everyone regardless of status could come for ideas. I developed this blog with the hope of providing a place for all people, to share recipes, DIYs, hacks, budgeting tools, just for the average person! Scroll through, read, and enjoy! Anything you'd like to see in the future? Share in the box below and I will try my best educate myself and post (as long as it's relative to the blog: recipes, DIYs, hacks, budgeting)

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